Our Mission
The mission of the Violence Prevention Center is to foster a community which cultivates healthy relationships, empowers systems to serve individuals with equity and compassion, and does not tolerate violence. We serve all who have been affected by or subjected to domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
About the Violence Prevention Center
Peaceful and just communities free of violence.
Everyone has the right to live free of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking regardless of age, race, gender, financial status, religion, ethnicity, ability, immigration status, sexual orientation, country of origin, socioeconomic status, gender expression, gender identity, relationship status, citizenship status, criminal activity, relationship identity, height, weight, size or any other identifier.
Everyone must have free and confidential access to services.
Community awareness and education are necessary to eliminate violence and build healthy relationships.
Those who choose to perpetrate must be held accountable for their violent behavior.
Zero tolerance for violence must be a community standard.
Who We Serve
Anyone can be affected by or subjected to domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or human trafficking (DV/SA/HT)
The VPC does not discriminate and works with anyone who currently is or has been affected by or subjected to DV/SA/HT including minors. We work with primary survivors as well as secondary survivors. Secondary survivors are those who are close to the primary survivor and suffer consequences of the violence alongside the primary survivor. Secondary survivors can be friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, teachers, religious leaders, coaches, community members, and other roles. Our staff and volunteers create a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for everyone.
Meet the Team

The foundation of Violence Prevention Center is deeply imbedded in the nationwide, grassroots movement to address and end violence against women. Our organization was incorporated in 1986 as the Cook County Women’s Collective. The Cook County Women’s Collective was started by passionate community members who saw a need for services and education regarding women and girls who were being subjected to violence.
In 1991, the organization was renamed Center for Family Crisis and, after restructuring in 1993, employed two full-time advocates, was supported by numerous volunteers, and received funding from the State of Minnesota, Cook County, and several foundations. The current name, Violence Prevention Center, came about in 2002 to reflect our continued growth, expansion of services, and hope to prevent violence.
As we look to the future of our organization and the community we serve, we will continue to provide emergency services to survivors and commit to partnering with communities within Cook County to create a future free of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.